Our article got published in Chemical Engineering Research and Design Journal by ELESVIER on 1st February, 2021. Congratulations to our PhD candidate Yu for the publication. Following are details and link to the publication.
Siril Arockiam, Yu Hsuan Cheng, Piero M. Armenante, Sagnik Basuray, Experimental Determination and Computational Prediction of the Mixing Efficiency of a Simple, Continuous, Serpentine-Channel Microdevice, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Available online 1 February 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2021.01.022

Dr. Sagnik Basuray and Dr. Charmi Chande has been invited as Guest Editors in A special issue of Biosensors (ISSN 2079-6374). This special issue belongs to the section "Biosensor and Bioelectronic Devices" and entitles as " Microfluidic Impedance Sensors". Congratulations to them.
Following is the link for more details.

Our Undergraduate Student Juliana Yang was awarded as "The Best Presentation for 2020 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium". Congratulations Juliana.

Our Undergraduate Student Juliana Yang got selected in A highly selective research symposium that’s organized by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NC State University. The 1 day symposium is a platform for the finest and brightest undergraduate researchers in the U.S. to present their work and be recognized for their achievements and potential as future leaders in chemical and biomolecular engineering. Congratulations Juliana.

Our PhD Candidate Yu Cheng's PhD proposal was successfully accepted on 13th August, 2020. Congratulations Yu.
Our PhD Candidate Zhenglong Li's PhD proposal was successfully accepted on 12th August, 2020. Congratulations Li.
Our PhD student Zhenglong Li successfully defended his qualifiers on 19th Feb, 2020. Congratulations Li.
Our PhD student Yu Cheng successfully defended his qualifiers on 2nd Feb, 2020. Congratulations Yu.
Dr. Basuray was invited as Keynote speaker at Mechanical Colloquium, NJIT, in October 2019.
Topic: “A Packed Bed Microfluidic Reactor: A new novel sensitive and selective Biosensor”
Our PhD student YU Cheng attended and presented in 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA in 2019.
Publication details: Cheng, Y. H. (2019). Essence: A Shear-Enhanced, Flow-through, Nanoporous and Capacitive Electrode Technology with Non-Planar Interdigitated Micro-Electrodes. 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
Our PhD student YU Cheng attended and presented in 45th Annual NEBEC, New Jersey, USA. in 2019.
Publication Details: Yu-Hsuan Cheng, Zhenglong Li, Mahima Hariharan, Pedro Moura and Sagnik Basuray (2019). Highly sens detection of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) using the “ESSENCE” biosensor electrochemical platform. 45th Annual NEBEC, New Jersey, USA.
Our PhD student Zhenglong Li attended and presented in 236th ECS Meeting on October 13-17, 2019.
Publication Details: Cheng, Yu Hsuan, Zhenglong Li, Juliana Yang, Pedro Moura, Hansin Kim, and Sagnik Basuray. "Essence: A Shear-Enhanced, Flow-through, Nanoporous and Capacitive Electrode Technology with Non-Planar Interdigitated Micro-Electrodes." In 236th ECS Meeting (October 13-17, 2019). ECS, 2019.
Link to the conference: https://ecs.confex.com/ecs/236/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/127858
Our PhD student Zhenglong Li attended and presented in In 236th ECS Meeting onOctober 13-17, 2019.
publication Details: Li, Zhenglong, Yu Hsuan Cheng, Hansin Kim, Pedro Moura, Juliana Yang, and Sagnik Basuray. "A Novel Non-Planar, Interdigitated Microelectrode Array with a Porous, Flow-through Working Electrode for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Various Chem/Bio-Molecules." In 236th ECS Meeting (October 13-17, 2019). ECS, 2019.
Link to the conference: https://ecs.confex.com/ecs/236/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/127890
Dr. Basuray was invited as Keynote speaker at Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India, August 2019.
Topic: “ESSENCE – A novel shear-enhanced, flow-through nanoporouscapacitive electrode based electrochemical platform”
Dr. Basuray was invited as Keynote speaker at Department of Biotechnology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India, August 2019.
Topic:"ESSENCE – A novel shear-enhanced, flow-through nanoporous capacitive electrode based electrochemical platform”.
Dr. Basuray was invited to give talk at American Electrophoresis Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, October 2018.
Topic: “ESSENCE – Shear-enhanced, Flow-through Nanoporous Capacitive Electrode, a new electrochemical Spectroscopy”
Dr. Basuray was invited to give talk at 254th ACS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, August 2017.
Topic: “Geometrical singularities in metal nanostructures for enhanced biosensor sensitivity and selectivity"
Dr. Basuray was invited to give talk at 23rd International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques (ITP), Minneapolis, September 2016.
Topic: “Dielectrophoresis: An alternative to Chromatographic Techniques,”
Our PhD student YU Cheng attended and presented in 2013 Joint of Japan Taiwan Korea Chemical Engineering Conference OB 5, Kumamoto, Japan in November 2013.
Publicatiob details: Yu-Hsuan Cheng and Jia Ming Chern (2013, November). Benzoic Acid Wastewater Treatment by Ozone based Advanced Oxidation Process. 2013 Joint of Japan Taiwan Korea Chemical Engineering Conference OB 5, Kumamoto, Japan.
Dr. Basuray was invited as Keynote speaker at Biomedical Engineering Department Seminar Series, NJIT, October 2015.
Topic: "The metal/dielectric/bio Interface – Rich physiological phenomenon”